The fifth installment of Widespread Panic‘s Panic En La Playa destination event began on Tuesday at the Hard Rock Hotel in Riviera Maya, Mexico. As reported the big news of the day was the return of drummer Todd Nance to the fold. Last night was Nance’s first show behind the kit for Panic since September 14, 2014 and the band played a number of songs they hadn’t performed since Todd started his hiatus.
Widespread Panic opened the action and welcomed Todd back with “Climb To Safety” which was followed by a cover of J.J. Cale’s “Ride Me High.” Later in the set, the band dusted off “You Should Be Glad” for the first time since Nance’s last show (September 14, 2014) and “Solid Rock” for the first time since July 6, 2014. “Solid Rock” came within an “Up All Night” that closed out the first set.
The Georgia rockers came out of the gates for the second set with “From The Cradle” which had been on the shelf since July 2, 2014 and later busted out “Papa Johnny Road” after a 104 show layoff. A big “Driving Song” sequence served as the meat of the second set as it included “Papa’s Home” > “Surprise Valley” > “Drums” > “Surprise Valley” within. Two songs off the group’s most recent album, “Tail Dragger” and “Street Dogs For Breakfast,” set up a “Fishwater” finale. Widespread Panic brought Night One of PELP to a close with an “All Time Low”/”Flicker” encore. The New Mastersounds entertained festivalgoers post-show and as expected had Eric Krasno fill in for Eddie Roberts, who recently suffered an injury while skiing. Jimmy Herring and Jennifer Hartswick were also among the Mastersounds’ guests.
Panic En La Playa continues on Wednesday. The Widespread Panic sets can be streamed via